Friday, September 13, 2019


I was writing a small essay about  How clever! our Creator or the universe must have been to make us all so different, so diverse. And I truly think that diversity is the whole strength of humanity. Just to get a glass of fresh orange on the table, you need people who are interested in farming orange trees, people who are pluckers and people who like to be involved in the transport of oranges from where they grow to our shops, shopkeepers, glassmakers, and so many others.

Luckily not everyone just wants to be a lawyer or an executive. As true as it is for something as simple as a glass of orange, it is true for all other aspects of life too, that diversity is a superb richness. Our Creator was so clever to give us thousands of people with thousands of different opinions, different cultures, different religions, different perceptions, different talents, different interests. Being afraid of pluralism is one of the worst things that can happen to any of us. Let us learn all from each other, let us keep growing. Surely pluralism is not equal to absorbing all things from anyone. It is getting interested in the other person’s perspective, trying to understand them and only internalizing the gems of wisdom that look worth doing so.

I am grateful for the diversity of the people I am allowed to encounter in my job on a daily basis. Let us be open-minded, open-hearted and “open-souled”. 😊